On this website, you will find the results of over two years of work. Together, we focused on improving the quality and availability of interpreting services in Minnesota. Hundreds of people have participated in this initiative and have given their time, talent, and best thinking to this purpose.
Through many conversations and meetings, our community developed over 100 potential solutions. Some of these solutions will help us achieve our shared goals. Some of these solutions are not strongly supported. Some of these solutions contradict each other. While each potential solution has value, over 100 potential solutions are not achievable. Instead, we recommend making choices, together, on which potential solutions to pursue.
The Minnesota Commission cannot do all of these, or even lead all of these. We need to work together. No single organization can do this alone. So we need your help! Please take a look here, leave comments, and consider joining one of the many groups and new groups working on this complex situation. We must work together.
We will update this website as our work progresses, so please check back often, and also sign up for our social media. See you soon!