- 1 Educate Potential Hiring Entities & Employers: Promote The Employer Reasonable Accommodation Fund
- 2 Commission Host Self-Advocacy Training via Train-the-Trainer
- 3 Commission Lead a Public Campaign to Raise Awareness about the MJB Court Interpreter Program’s ADA Grievance Procedure and Complaint Processes
- 4 Educate Potential Hiring Entities & Employers: ADA Responsibilities
- 5 Educate All Entities on ADA Responsibilities and How to Access Interpreters
- 6 Commission Host Self-Advocacy Training via Online Videos
- 7 RateMyInterpreter.Com as a Way to Support Professional Development for Interpreters and Transparency for Consumers
- 8 Establish a New Fund for Home & Community Services Interpreting Needs
- 9 Explicitly Teach DDBHH K12 and College Students about Working with Interpreters
- 10 Create Centralized Website of Resources, Including a Directory of Interpreters and Specializations
- 11 Complete Studies about DDBHH Communities and Interpreting Field
- 12 Support Business Development by Developing a Public State Payscale for Freelancers
- 13 Require All Major Local News Services to Provide Picture-in-Picture Interpreters
- 14 Expand Deaf, DeafBlind and Hard of Hearing State Services Grants
- 15 Create a Central State Government Interpreting Services Office
- 16 Recognize Less Frequent Specialty Areas of Interpreting
- 17 Unionize Interpreters
- 18 Establish Licensure for Interpreters
- 19 Centralize Referral System under Minnesota Commission
- 20 Make Interpreters State Employees
- 21 Create Quality Specialist Position in State Government
- 22 Host DeafBlind & Interpreter Meet-and-Greet
- 23 Interpreter Referral Companies Host Community Conversations about Their Policies and Practices
- 24 Host DDBHH & Interpreter Meet-and-Greet
- 25 Invest in CDI Professional Development
- 26 Mentor Programs Focus on CDIs Mentoring Hearing Interpreters
- 27 Establish Grievance Process for Quality Control – Restorative and Timely Process
- 28 Review Model, Policies and Practices of Interpreter Referral Companies
- 29 Establish a Code of Professional Conduct for Interpreter Referral Companies
- 30 Minnesota-Based Interpreter Referral Companies Create Partnerships with Other Interpreter Referral Companies in Neighboring States
- 31 Interpreter Referral Companies Establish and Maintain Self-Reporting to the Public
- 32 Provide Co-Navigating and Other Workshops to Interpreters
- 33 Legislate Requiring Consumer Grievance Process for Referral Companies
- 34 Lobby for Additional Funding to Strengthen Disabled-owned and BIPOC Interpreter Referral Companies
- 35 Accredit Interpreter Referral Companies
- 36 Centralize Information about Community Gatherings
- 37 Interpreters and Interpreter Referral Companies Donate 3% of Revenue or Provide Pro Bono Interpreting
- 38 Host Semi-Annual DDBHH & Interpreter Community Forums on Interpreting Topics
- 39 MRID Diversify Professional Social Events
- 40 MRID Resolve to Host Annual Anti-Racism Workshops
- 41 Recruit to Interpreter Training Programs via Signing Community Housing
- 42 Explore Interest in Community of Practice for CDIs in K12 Settings
- 43 Revise K12 Educational Interpreters’ Mentor Program
- 44 Minnesota Judicial Branch Court Interpreter Program Hire Staff CDI
- 45 Minnesota Judicial Branch (MJB) Court Interpreter Program to Revise and Enforce Policy to Honor Hearing Interpreters’ Requests for CDI Teams
- 46 Promote K12 Educational Certified Deaf Interpreters
- 47 Develop Best Practices for Certified Deaf Interpreter (CHI) and Certified Hearing Interpreter (CHI) Teams
- 48 Provide ProTactile and Communication Intensive Trainings for DeafBlind Minnesotans
- 49 Conduct a DeafBlind Minnesotans Study
- 50 Host DeafBlind Convention in MN
- 51 Host ProTactile Language Interpreting Intensive in Minnesota
- 52 Establish Minnesota-based ProTactile House for DeafBlind
- 53 Pursue Legislation for DeafBlind Students in K12 Education
- 54 Educate DeafBlind Youth in ProTactile
- 55 Educate Health Care Systems on the Need for On-Site Interpreters
- 56 Educate Health Care Systems on the Best and Inadvisable Uses of VRI
- 57 Seek or Create a Grant to Assess Medical VRI Services Statewide
- 58 Advertise Interpreting in Greater MN as an Attractive Career to Recruit Interpreter Training Program (ITP) Students
- 59 Enhance Broadband Internet Access in Greater Minnesota
- 60 Regulate the Use of Video Remote Interpreting (VRI) in Critical Settings
- 61 Secure Funding for a Rural Interpreter Mentoring/Professional Development Program
- 62 Secure Funding for Greater Minnesota Interpreter Training Program (ITP)
- 63 Promote ASL for All High School Programs
- 64 Campaign to Support Interpreters in Greater Minnesota Being Hired by Local State Agency Offices
- 65 Develop Legislation and Mechanism to Prohibit Unqualified K12 Educational Interpreters
- 66 Establish Fund to Offer Moving Bonuses to Out-of-State Interpreters Moving to Minnesota
- 67 MDE Partner with State Services Internship Grant for Greater Minnesota K12 Educational Interpreters
- 68 Create and Share Resources for Advocating about Quality Interpreting Services with K12 Education Administrators
- 69 Create Roster of Interpreters Qualified to Work in K12
- 70 MDE Promote NTID Course for Provisionally Licensed K12 Interpreters
- 71 License K12 Interpreters through the Minnesota Professional Educator Licensing and Standards Board (PELSB)
- 72 Prevent Repetitive Motion Injury and Burnout by Hiring Team Interpreters in K12 Settings
- 73 Interpreter Training Programs (ITPs) Include K12 Education Components in Curricula
- 74 Advocate for Legislative Limits and Standards for K12 Interpreting Services
- 75 Advocate for Health Care Systems to Develop Welcome Packets
- 76 Encourage More ASL-Fluent Mental Health Professionals for Direct Access to Mental Health Services
- 77 Increase Number of Qualified Mental Health Interpreters via Grant Funding
- 78 Increase Compensation for Medical and Mental Health Qualifications
- 79 Strengthen Joint Health Commission’s Standards for Provider Accountability and Patient Choice
- 80 Pursue Legislation for Automated and Transparent Requests in Health Care Settings
- 81 Establish a Health Care Systems Advisory Board
- 82 Promote Community Health Workers for Health Care Settings
- 83 Develop Legislation to Regulate the Minnesota Judicial Branch Court Interpreter Program Advisory Committee
- 84 Provide Legal Interpreting Workshop Series
- 85 Minnesota Judicial Branch Court Interpreter Program Consistently Enforce Rule 8 Prioritizing Interpreters Holding RID’s Specialist Certificate: Legal (SC:L)
- 86 Promote Texas’ BEI Court Certification to Demonstrate Qualifications to Interpret in Court and Legal Settings
- 87 Study Court Interpreter Program Compensation Practices
- 88 Establish a Professional Group for ASL Teachers
- 89 Develop a Tool Kit for School Districts to Establish ASL Classes
- 90 Develop Policy Standards for ASL Teachers
- 91 Recruit Interpreter Training Program (ITP) Students from High School ASL Classes
- 92 Recruit ITP Students from Career Fairs
- 93 Return to RSA Model for Recruiting HS Students to ITPs
- 94 Establish ASL Summer Camp as Feeder to Interpreter Training Programs (ITPs)
- 95 Develop Publicly Funded Scholarships for ITPs
- 96 Recruit to Interpreter Training Programs (ITPs) via Student Loan Forgiveness
- 97 Advertise Interpreting in MN is an Attractive Career: Short Advertising Videos
- 98 Recruit Interpreters from Other Professions
- 99 Develop Alternative Pathways to Certification
- 100 Secure Funding for BEI Certification Scholarships
- 101 Review Historical ITP Results
- 102 Emphasize Direct Community Experience as Part of ITPs
- 103 Encourage Community Input on Interpreter Training Program Curricula
- 104 Diversify Faculty at ITPs
- 105 Emphasize ITP Curricula to Aid in Certification
- 106 Teach Freelancing and People Skills in ITPs
- 107 Centralize Mentorship/Internship Program Information on a Website
- 108 Centralize Workshops and Courses for Interpreters on a Website
- 109 Develop Models of Typical Interpreting Career Paths
- 110 Increase and Enhance Paid Internships with Active Mentoring
- 111 Expand Communities of Practice to Focus on Retention of Emerging Interpreters
- 112 Centralize Information about Communities of Practice on a Website
- 113 Hiring Entities Provide More Employment Options for Interpreter Compensation
- 114 Develop More Communities of Practice as Professional Supports for Interpreters