99 Develop Alternative Pathways to Certification
Issue: Not all prospective interpreters find ITPs as the most effective route for them to become interpreters. Alternate pathways to gaining a bachelor’s degree to sit for RID certification are not well documented. This may be particularly true for BIPOC interpreters and those seeking to become Certified Deaf interpreters.
Proposed Solution: MRID, ASL educators, ITP representatives, Metro State University, CATIE Center and others involved in professional development form a working group to develop alternatives to traditional ITPs. MSU has experience with graduates from associates programs attaining their self-designed bachelor’s at MSU. This is one model of preparing prospective interpreters to attain RID certification. Other pathways need to be explored.
Expected outcome: More new interpreters, particularly from underrepresented groups that would not typically go to an ITP, would have some guidance for becoming an RID certified interpreter.
Who is impacted: Potential interpreters
Timeline: 6 months
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