83 Develop Legislation to Regulate the Minnesota Judicial Branch Court Interpreter Program Advisory Committee

Video description: A person is describing the solution titled Develop Legislation to Regulate the Minnesota Judicial Branch Court Interpreter Program Advisory Committee. The transcript is provided below.

Issue: There are many issues with achieving effective communication access in court settings. Quality issues include: Inconsistency of interpreters assigned Struggle to assign CDIs Working interpreters having no consistent venue for sharing necessary feedback regarding the work conditions

Video description: A person is summarizing the level of support that this solution received.

Of the 94 responses, the majority of respondents supported developing legislation to reinstate an Advisory Committee for the Minnesota Judicial Branch Court Interpreters’ Program Advisory Committee. More interpreters were neutral while Nearly one third of Interpreters were neutral while the vast majority of DDBHH consumers were supportive.

Summary of Support Image Description

The stacked bar charts show how respondents rated their level of support and the total number of responses. The percentage for the five support levels is shown from left to right: Strongly Oppose (Dark Red), Oppose (Light Red), Neutral (Yellow), Support (Light Blue), and Strongly Support (Dark Blue).

Respondents may identify with multiple subgroups. The overall level of support is:

Strongly Oppose: 0%
Oppose: 2%
Neutral: 23%
Support: 41%
Strongly Support: 33%

Click to see the detailed image description for each subgroup.

Strongly Oppose: 0%
Oppose: 2%
Neutral: 31%
Support: 35%
Strongly Support: 33%

DDBHH Consumer
Strongly Oppose: 0%
Oppose: 2%
Neutral: 10%
Support: 51%
Strongly Support: 37%

System Stakeholder
Strongly Oppose: 0%
Oppose: 3%
Neutral: 18%
Support: 36%
Strongly Support: 42%

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