110 Increase and Enhance Paid Internships with Active Mentoring
Issue: Interpreters need more opportunities for internships and/or mentoring in their field.
Proposed Solution: Coalition help to identify new and expanded paid internships. While there are already multiple internships and mentorships possible in Minnesota, there are still gaps for 1) novice interpreters seeking sustainable employment while receiving mentoring and 2) seasoned interpreters seeking mentoring in new specialty areas. After the current internships and mentorships are compiled and documented (Proposed solution #107), relevant interpreting hiring sites would be encouraged to 1) improve on current internship programs and 2) establish new paid internships and/or mentorship opportunities with targeted professional development plans.
Expected outcome: Increased recruitment and retention of students and working interpreters. Increased quality of interpreting services. Better DDBHH consumer satisfaction with improved quality and availability of interpreting services.
Who is impacted: Students, new interpreters, experienced interpreters
Timeline: 6 months
Summary of Support Image Description
The stacked bar charts show how respondents rated their level of support and the total number of responses. The percentage for the five support levels is shown from left to right: Strongly Oppose (Dark Red), Oppose (Light Red), Neutral (Yellow), Support (Light Blue), and Strongly Support (Dark Blue).
Respondents may identify with multiple subgroups. The overall level of support is:
Strongly Oppose: 0%
Oppose: 2%
Neutral: 11%
Support: 36%
Strongly Support: 51%
Click to see the detailed image description for each subgroup.
Strongly Oppose: 0%
Oppose: 3%
Neutral: 8%
Support: 34%
Strongly Support: 55%
Certified Interpreter
Strongly Oppose: 0%
Oppose: 4%
Neutral: 8%
Support: 37%
Strongly Support: 52%
DDBHH Consumer
Strongly Oppose: 0%
Oppose: 0%
Neutral: 16%
Support: 38%
Strongly Support: 45%
Non-Certified Interpreter
Strongly Oppose: 0%
Oppose: 0%
Neutral: 7%
Support: 14%
Strongly Support: 79%
System Stakeholder
Strongly Oppose: 0%
Oppose: 0%
Neutral: 8%
Support: 45%
Strongly Support: 48%
Overview of Respondents Opting for In-Depth Solution Analysis
After indicating their support level, 5% of the 113 respondents opted in to further assess whether the solution would worsen or improve on five metrics. Of the opt-in reviewers (6 respondents), 100% supported the solution, 0% were neutral on the solution, and 0% opposed the solution.
The remaining 107 respondents did not opt in to further assess the solution. Of these people, 86% support the solution, 11% were neutral on the solution, and 1% opposed the solution.
Reviewer Evaluation of Solution Effectiveness
Solution Effectiveness Image Description
The stacked bar charts show how respondents assessed the effectiveness of this solution based on five metrics. For each metric, the percentage of respondents is shown from left to right: Worsens (Red), Improves (Blue), No Impact (Gray).
DDBHH Quality of Life
Makes It Worse 0%
Makes It Better 80%
No Impact 20%
Interpreter Satisfaction
Makes It Worse 0%
Makes It Better 100%
No Impact 0%
Consumer Choice
Makes It Worse 0%
Makes It Better 80%
No Impact 20%
Interpreting Availability
Makes It Worse 0%
Makes It Better 100%
No Impact 0%
Interpreting Quality
Makes It Worse 0%
Makes It Better 100%
No Impact 0%
Reviewer Feedback and Insights
Comments from Interpreters express concerns about funding sources for paid internships, suggesting that school districts could potentially provide partial funding for interpreter interns. One comment notes the need for more qualified mentors and supervisors for mentorship training. Another comment emphasizes the importance of accepting out-of-state interns, especially for BIPOC novice interpreters, to foster diversity.
Deaf, DeafBlind, Hard of Hearing
Comments from DDBHH Consumers raise questions about funding and propose that school districts may have the means to support intern stipends. One comment expresses interest in having companies hire interpreting students or interns for meetings and collaborations with local small businesses.
System Stakeholder
Comments from System stakeholders highlight the availability of materials through the CATIE Center and stress the need for more qualified mentors and supervisors for training. One comment suggests that increasing paid internships could aid in the recruitment and retention of students in ITPs.
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